RVTTC members are the Canadian veterinary technician/technologist associations. These include
- British Columbia Veterinary Technologist Association (BCVTA)
- Saskatchewan Association of Veterinary Technologists (SAVT)
- Association des Techniciens en Santé Animale du Québec (ATSAQ)
- and the Eastern Veterinary Technicians Association (EVTA).
RVTTC benefits are available to RVT’s/TSAc’s through their Provincial Association’s membership. RVTs that hold a Professional RVT membership to any one of these associations are eligible for benefits of the RVTTC.
We encourage you to become one! Provincial RVT associations, along with the RVTTC, work on advancing, protecting and promoting the RVT profession; improving the lives of the patients we care for and the communities they live in.
If you are a veterinary technician/technologist and are interested in becoming a member, please contact your provincial RVT association for details to become a member.
RVTTC is tasked with promoting the RVT profession, establishing and maintaining national standards of membership, and becoming a resource regarding national and international issues. Membership to RVTTC (via your provincial association) is a commitment to your professionalism. The RVTTC provides a voice and direct contact to issues relating to the RVT profession nationally and internationally facilitating positive change for RVTs across Canada.
Benefits to RVT’s in Canada:
- Unified professional recognition across Canada!
- Direct contribution to the education of future RVT’s through the accreditation of AHT/VT programs across Canada, representation and connection to credential process of U.S. VT/AHT program and contribute to the preparation of the Veterinary Technician National Examination (VTNE)
- National and international communication and collaboration with Canadian provincial VT associations, networking relationship with National Association of Veterinary Technicians, a core member of the International Veterinary Nurses and Technicians Association (IVNTA), an affiliate member of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) and an observer member of the World Veterinary Association.
- National RVT representation on animal welfare committees
- Affiliate relationship with Canadian Veterinary Medical Association to promote veterinary team relations, RVT associations and veterinary associations working together to improve the animal health care team
- Annual National Veterinary Technician campaign promoting RVT profession and provide resources for public education
- National RVT career resources including ‘Chart your Own Career” tool with the NEW RVT Career Navigator!
National RVT professional benefits program includes:
- Continuing education portal with national and international sources for professional’s development of RVT’s in a variety of topics
- National group health, disability, life and professional liability insurance program – see details below
- Discount opportunities for professional certification – see details below
FEAR Free Professional Certification Program Discount 
Since 2019, Fear Free, LLC has provided a 20% discount on the Fear Free Veterinary Professional Certification Program to members of the Registered Veterinary Technologists and Technicians of Canada and affiliated associations. See here for Media Release announcing this partnership.
- 20% Discount to all RVTTC Members
- Contact your provincial association for discount codes
- Contact information for provincial VT associations – Click HERE!
Professional Liability Insurance for Locum RVTs
- Introducing Professional Liability Insurance for Locum Registered Veterinary Technologists and Technicians. The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA), in collaboration with the Registered Veterinary Technologists and Technicians of Canada (RVTTC), is pleased to introduce a new professional liability insurance plan for RVTTC members. Since 2005, the CVMA has been providing its members exclusive access to competitive commercial, professional liability and group health and life insurance coverage through the CVMA Insurance Program. Today, the CVMA is pleased to extend its insurance program to benefit RVTTC members working as locums. As locums and independent contractors, registered veterinary technologists/technicians are usually required to secure their own liability insurance. Professional liability insurance will cover errors, omissions or negligent acts which may arise from your normal or usual duties as a technologist or technician. The protection also covers legal expenses in the event of disciplinary hearings, investigations or employment disputes. Professional liability insurance coverage will offer you peace of mind by ensuring that adequate funds are available should they be required. Advantages of the Insurance Program:
- The CVMA Insurance Program already insures over 3,000 CVMA and member clinics across Canada.
- The insurance plan for locum RVTTC members includes coverage for legal expenses arising from any complaint, disciplinary hearing or review.
- Provides the option of $1,000,000 or $2,000,000 professional liability coverage.
- The Program is administered by Western Financial Group Insurance Solutions, the largest provider of association insurance program in Canada.
For more information:
- RVT Locum Liability Insurance Flyer – English
- RVT Locum Liability Insurance Flyer – French
- Go to website: https://cvmainsurance.com/vet-tech/
Group Health Insurance – available to all RVTTC Members
Important Notice: This insurance was previously provided through Sun Life. Effective February 1, 2023, Securian Canada acquired the Association and Affinity business of Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (“Sun Life”). Any reference you see to “Sun Life” on this website or on insurance documents you may receive, should be considered referring to Securian Canada.
RVTTC Insurance helps protect you, your family, and your finances. Enjoy group insurance rates and special savings, thanks to RVTTCs program. Choose from a suite of insurance options to protect everything you care about:
- Life insurance
- Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance
- Long-Term Disability insurance
- Extended Health Care and Dental Care insurance
- Critical Illness insurance
- Professional Overhead Expense insurance
For more details on the specifics of your plan, please visit www.securiancanada/rvttc to learn more.
Questions? Please contact:
Ian Keith
360° Health Benefits Inc.
T: 613-780-1574 (Ext. 1)
E: ian@360hb.ca