The concept of One Health will be front and centre during National Tick Awareness Month (NTAM) in March. As part of this year’s campaign, the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA), in partnership with Merck Animal Health, will highlight the important role of veterinarians in helping protect pets and people.
The 2022 campaign will share HOW pet owners can protect their pets and themselves against these parasites, with messaging centered on this year’s tagline: “Things ticks don’t want your family to know.”
As in previous years, the CVMA, in partnership with Merck Animal Health, has created engaging communication materials and support tools to assist veterinary teams in their efforts to educate pet owners about ticks and tick-borne diseases.
- Video: “Things ticks don’t want your family to know”
- Ready-to-use social media posts
- Email summarizing all the available tools (including those from previous campaigns), grouped under the WHEN, WHERE and HOW themes, for easy access
- Updated website.
- A live webinar
Please visit the CVMA website for more information on National Tick Awareness Month.