The Registered Veterinary Technologists and Technicians of Canada (RVTTC) is a not-for-profit organization uniting provincial/regional veterinary technician and technologist associations. Founded in 1989 as the Canadian Association of Animal Health Technologists and Technicians (CAAHTT), RVTTC was tasked with supporting affiliated provincial veterinary technician and technologist associations in its mission to unite, advance and strengthen the Registered Veterinary Technician/Technologist profession. RVTTC is a resource on national and international issues within our global veterinary community.
Since its inception in 1989, RVTTC has grown to encompass seven provincial veterinary technician/technologists associations who represent nearly 10,000 individual Registered Veterinary Technicians and Technologists (RVTs).
By supporting our members, and becoming a valuable resource to bind the veterinary technology profession, we hope to facilitate positive change for RVTs across Canada. It is our firm belief that when RVTs, RVT associations, and Veterinary Associations work together to improve the animal health care team, we ultimately augment the lives of the patients we care for thus improving animal welfare on a global level.
Uniting, advancing, and strengthening the Registered Veterinary Technologist and Technician profession across Canada through leadership and advocacy to promote excellence in animal healthcare.
A national leader in elevating and expanding the Registered Veterinary Technologist and Technician profession.
The Registered Veterinary Technologists and Technicians of Canada (RVTTC) is a not-for-profit organization representing seven provincial associations, who together advocate for nearly 10,000 RVTs across Canada on national and international issues. RVTTC’s mission is to unite, advance, and strengthen the Registered Veterinary Technologist and Technician profession across Canada through leadership and advocacy to promote excellence in animal healthcare.
In Canada, since 2017, we now have a distinct title RVT (Registered Veterinary Technician/Technologist) that is recognized nationally within all RVTTC Affiliated Associations. This accomplishment is something that is both highly celebrated and valued, especially as our colleagues in the U.S. struggle with multiple terms CVT, LVT, and RVT. With the different state legislation governing each of the titles, finding a common title is an exhaustive process and hence their current drive is to find a new title, Registered Veterinary Nurse, that can be shared by all.
In Canada, the title of Nurse is highly protected and guarded in many of our provinces and as such is not a viable option for our profession. Our members inform us that the term RVT is not well understood by the public and this is where the work lies for RVTTC and the greater veterinary community. It is OUR responsibility as veterinary professionals to educate and celebrate the strengths and diversities of our profession so that it can be easily recognized and identified as a highly trained and skilled member of the veterinary team.
The RVTTC mission statement to unite, advance and strengthen the RVT profession is our pledge to achieve that goal. We will continue to work at the provincial and national level to ensure that the profession continues to grow in recognition and respect. In collaboration with the CVMA and provincial veterinary medical associations Canadian RVTs will be able to engage at all levels and work together to create a dynamic and progressive future for our profession as a valued and recognized member of the veterinary team.