RVTTC TRAVEL BURSARYI want to help send an RVT to a conference!

Your money will help support select RVTs in advancing their career and knowledge by providing them with the opportunity to attend a veterinary conference of their choice! See our 2018 winners of the first annual Travel Bursary (see Awards & Bursaries).

RVT VOICEI want to help expand the VOICE of RVTs!

Your money will go directly to RVT advocacy at the provincial, national and international level allowing RVT representatives to attend meetings where their voice can contribute and help shape the field of veterinary medicine. See where RVTs have a voice (see Advocacy).

Join TEAM RVTTC! Your monthly donation will help carry the RVT Voice! At home, in Canada and abroad, the RVT Voice is growing with your support.

Contributions to the Registered Veterinary Technologists and Technicians of Canada are not tax deductible.
The RVTTC is registered as a Not-For-Profit Corporation with Corporations Canada.